====== Working with Astronomical Isochrone Data in Python ====== This content represents a Python script or a component of a larger Python project designed for handling astronomical isochrone data. Isochrones, which are lines connecting points of equal age in a plot, are crucial in understanding the evolutionary stages of stars in a cluster. The script utilizes modules from different libraries (e.g., `fidanka.isochrone.MIST`, `ThomasAstro.iso.isoGenerator`, and `pysep.io.trk`) to read and manipulate isochrone data. The inclusion of an argparse interface suggests this script is intended for command-line execution, allowing users to specify the path to an isochrone file as an argument. from fidanka.isochrone.MIST import read_iso, read_iso_metadata from ThomasAstro.iso.isoGenerator import iso from pysep.io.trk import read_trk if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("iso_file", help="Path to isochrone file")