This script is designed to automate the process of fetching, processing, and formatting opacity tables from the TOPS database for use in astrophysical simulations. It includes functionality to call external programs for calculating number and mass fractions of elements based on input metallicity, to parse and validate these fractions, to fetch opacity tables from a web resource, and to format the retrieved data into a structure compatible with the OPAL database format for use in simulations like DSEP. Additional features include command-line arguments for specifying input parameters and output paths, error handling for file operations, and options for force-overwriting existing data.
import argparse import shutil import os import subprocess import numpy as np from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re from scipy import interpolate from tqdm import tqdm TOPS_URL = "" def call_num_frac(prog, name, feh, alpha, Y, force=False): if os.path.exists(name): if force: os.remove(name) else: raise OSError(f"File {name} exists, you can force this file to be overwritten with the -f/--force flag") numFrac = subprocess.Popen(prog, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) stdin = numFrac.stdin stdin.write(f"{name}\n".encode('utf-8')) stdin.write(f"{feh}\n".encode('utf-8')) stdin.write(f"{alpha}\n".encode('utf-8')) stdin.write(f"{Y}\n".encode('utf-8')) stdin.close() status = numFrac.wait() return status def parse_abundence_file(filePath): with open(filePath) as f: contents ='\n') metaLine = contents[49].replace('+/-', '').replace('=', '').split() Z = float(metaLine[1]) ZX = float(metaLine[4]) X = Z/ZX Y = 1 - Z - X NumberFractions = [x.replace('=', '').split() for x in contents[2:25]] NumberFractions = [(x[0], float(x[1])*Z) for x in NumberFractions] massFractions = [x.replace('=', '').split() for x in contents[26:49]] massFractions = [(x[0], float(x[1])) for x in massFractions] return massFractions, X, Y, Z def format_TOPS_string(fracs): TOPS_abundence_string = ' '.join([f"{x[1]:0.10f} {x[0]}" for x in fracs]) return TOPS_abundence_string def submit_TOPS_form(br, mixString, mixName, massFrac=True): mixString = "0.7473676929 H 0.2526151498 He 0.0000029492 C 0.0000008639 N 0.0000080209 O 0.0000017989 Ne 0.0000000356 Na 0.0000006852 Mg 0.0000000618 Al 0.0000007561 Si 0.0000000073 P 0.0000003945 S 0.0000000050 Cl 0.0000000744 Ar 0.0000000665 Ca 0.0000000034 Ti 0.0000000189 Cr 0.0000000132 Mn 0.0000013095 Fe 0.0000000774 Ni 0.0000000105 Li 0.0000000002 Be 0.0000000049 B" br.select_form(nr=0) if massFrac: br.form.find_control(name="fractype").value = ['atomic'] br.form['mixture'] = mixString br.form['mixname'] = mixName tlow = br.find_control(name="tlow", type="select").get("0.0005") tlow.selected = True tup = br.find_control(name="tup", type="select").get("60") tup.selected = True br.form['rlow'] = "1.77827941e-15" br.form['rup'] = "1.25892541e+09" br.form['nr'] = '19' r1 = br.submit() br.select_form(nr=0) r2 = br.submit() tableHTML = return tableHTML def parse_table(html): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') table = soup.find('code').prettify().replace('<br/>', '') table = table.split('\n') table = [x for x in table[1:-2] if x.lstrip().rstrip() != ''] table = '\n'.join(table) return table def validate_extant_tables(path, prefix): files = os.listdir(path) abundenceFiles = list(filter(lambda x: prefix in x, files)) opacityTables = list(filter(lambda x: 'OP:' in x, files)) validated = all(map(lambda x: any([f"OP:{x.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]}" in y for y in opacityTables]), abundenceFiles)) return validated def parse_RMO_TOPS_table_file(TOPSTable): with open(TOPSTable) as f: contents ="\u00A0", "\t") tgroups = re.findall(r"(Rosseland\s+and\s+Planck\s+opacities\s+and\s+free\s+electrons\s+Density\s+Ross\s+opa\s+Planck\s+opa\s+No\.\s+Free\s+Av\s+Sq\s+Free\s+(T=\s+\d+\.?\d+E[-|+]\d+)\s+((\d\.\d+E[-|+]\d+(\s+)?){5}\n?){19})", contents) temperatures = np.array([float(x[1].split()[1])*11604525.0061657 for x in tgroups]) subTables = [x[0].split('\n')[2:] for x in tgroups] subTables = [[[float(z) for z in y.split()] for y in x if y.rstrip() != ''] for x in subTables] subTables = np.array(subTables) R = np.array([x/((y*1e-6)**3) for x, y in zip(subTables[:, :, 0], temperatures)]) RMO = subTables[:, :, 1] logT = np.log10(temperatures) logR = np.log10(R[0]) logRMO = np.log10(RMO) OPALTableInit = np.zeros(shape=(logR.shape[0], logT.shape[0])) for i, T in enumerate(logT): OPALTableInit[:, i] = logRMO[i] return logR, logT, OPALTableInit def interpolate_TOPS_to_dsep(logR, logT, TOPSTable): interpFunc = interpolate.interp2d(logT, logR, TOPSTable) targetLogR = np.arange(-8.0, 1.5, 0.5) targetLogT_A = np.arange(3.75, 6.0, 0.05) targetLogT_B = np.arange(6.0, 8.1, 0.1) targetLogT_C = np.arange(8.1, 8.8, 0.2) targetLogT = np.concatenate((targetLogT_A, targetLogT_B, targetLogT_C), axis=None) targetTable = interpFunc(targetLogT, targetLogR) return targetLogR, targetLogT, targetTable def extract_composition_path(path): filename = os.path.basename(path) filename = filename.strip('.dat') filenameParts = filename.split('_') X = float(filenameParts[1]) Y = float(filenameParts[2]) Z = float(filenameParts[3]) return X, Y, Z def format_TOPS_to_OPAL(TOPSTable, N): logRInit, logTInit, OPALTableInit = parse_RMO_TOPS_table_file(TOPSTable) logR, logT, OPALTable = interpolate_TOPS_to_dsep(logRInit, logTInit, OPALTableInit) logRHeader = ' '.join(["{: 0.2f}".format(round(x, 2)) for x in logR]) X, Y, Z = extract_composition_path(TOPSTable) metaLine = f"TABLE # TNUM 202012090001 X={abs(X):0.4f} Y={abs(Y):0.4f} Z={abs(Z):0.4f} dX1=0.0000 dX2=0.0000" titleLine = " log R" headerLine = f"logT {logRHeader}" dataLines = list() for line, temperature in zip(OPALTable.T, logT): adjustedLine = [x if x < 9.99 else 9.99 for x in line] joinedLine = ' '.join(["{: 0.3f}".format(round(x, 3)) for x in adjustedLine]) dataLines.append(f"{temperature:0.2f} {joinedLine}") dataTable = '\n'.join(dataLines) fullTable = '\n'.join([metaLine, '', titleLine, '', headerLine, '', dataTable, '']) return metaLine, X, Y, Z, fullTable def format_OPAL_header(): headerBaseString = """ Updated TOPS Rosseland mean opacity tables (date 20201209) Description of modifications given in Iglesias & Rogers, ApJ464,943(1996) lines 1-60 contain brief table description lines 61-240 contain table summaries lines 241-end contain tables. Each table is 77 lines long NOTE: File is compatible with interpolation routines. Definitions: The logarithm of the Rosseland mean opacity [cm**2/g] as a function of log(T) for columns of constant log(R), where R=density[g/cm**3]/T6**3, T6=1.e-6*T[degrees] log(T) range: 70 values from 3.75 to 8.70 log(R) range: 19 values from -8.0 to +1.0 NOTE: Tables are NOT rectangular values=9.999 or blanks are out of table range Composition parameters: X = Hydrogen mass fraction Y = Helium mass fraction Z = Metal mass fraction dX1 is not relevant for Type 1 tables dX2 is not relevant for Type 1 tables Abundances for 202012090001 composition: GS98 mix (N.Grevesse & A.J.Sauval 1998, Space Sci. Rev. 85, 161) Element Abundance - relative metal: number fraction mass fraction atomic mass """ AbuncenceSummary = f""" Element Abundance - relative metal: number fraction mass fraction atomic mass H log(A)= 1.00790 He log(A)= 4.00260 Li log(A)= Be log(A)= B log(A)= C log(A)= ----------------- 0.245825 0.171836 12.01100 N log(A)= ----------------- 0.061748 0.050335 14.00670 O log(A)= ----------------- 0.501922 0.467356 15.99940 F log(A)= Ne log(A)= ----------------- 0.089265 0.104831 20.17900 Na log(A)= ----------------- 0.001562 0.002090 22.98977 Mg log(A)= ----------------- 0.028224 0.039924 24.30500 Al log(A)= ----------------- 0.002294 0.003603 26.98154 Si log(A)= ----------------- 0.026954 0.044057 28.08550 P log(A)= ----------------- 0.000235 0.000423 30.97376 S log(A)= ----------------- 0.012602 0.023513 32.06000 Cl log(A)= ----------------- 0.000141 0.000292 35.45300 Ar log(A)= ----------------- 0.001865 0.004335 39.94800 K log(A)= ----------------- 0.000100 0.000228 39.09830 Ca log(A)= ----------------- 0.001670 0.003896 40.08000 Sc log(A)= Ti log(A)= ----------------- 0.000070 0.000195 47.90000 V log(A)= Cr log(A)= ----------------- 0.000369 0.001117 51.99600 Mn log(A)= ----------------- 0.000244 0.000779 54.93800 Fe log(A)= ----------------- 0.023517 0.076433 55.84700 Co log(A)= Ni log(A)= ----------------- 0.001393 0.004757 58.70000 """ return '\n'.join([headerBaseString, '', AbuncenceSummary, '']) def format_OPAL_table(tableDict): header = format_OPAL_header() summaryHeader = f"Table Summaries- There are {len(tableDict)} tables" summaries = map(lambda x: x[1]['Summary'].replace('TNUM', f"{x[0]+1: d}"), enumerate(tableDict)) summary = '\n'.join(list(summaries)) interStage = '\n'.join(['']*50) tableStart = "************************************ Tables ************************************" tables = map(lambda x: x[1]['Table'].replace('TNUM', f"{x[0]+1: d}"), enumerate(tableDict)) tablesFull = '\n'.join(list(tables)) return '\n'.join([header, summaryHeader, '', summary, interStage, tableStart, '', tablesFull]) def validate_composition(NumberFractions, tolerence=0.0001): total = 0 for e in NumberFractions: total += e[1] return (not abs(total-1) > tolerence, total) def update_mass_fraction(massFraction, target, new): for i, (element, old) in enumerate(massFraction): if element == target: key = i massFraction[key] = (target, new) return massFraction if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate opacity table in a format dsep can work with from TOPS") parser.add_argument("numFracProgram", help="path to program to generate Number and Mass fractions", type=str) parser.add_argument("-p", "--prefix", help="Abundance file prefix", default="TOPSA", type=str) parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", help="force the generation of new abunance tables", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--feh", help="[Fe/H] in solar units. Format as <min max number> for range", type=float, nargs=3) parser.add_argument("--alpha",help="[alpha/H] in solar units. Format as <min max number> for range", type=float, nargs=3) parser.add_argument("-d", "--outputDirectory", help="directory to save abundence files too", default=".", type=str) parser.add_argument("--opal", help="Run the code to convert TOPS table to OPAL compativle tables", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--nofetch", help="do not fetch opacity tables from TOPS", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="file to write OPAL formated table to", default="TOPAL.dat", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() if not args.nofetch: if os.path.exists(args.outputDirectory) and args.force and not validate_extant_tables(args.outputDirectory, args.prefix): shutil.rmtree(args.outputDirectory) if os.path.exists(args.outputDirectory) and args.force and validate_extant_tables(args.outputDirectory, args.prefix): raise OSError(f"Cannot force override of {args.outputDirectory} as it has been validated as complete") elif not args.force and os.path.exists(args.outputDirectory) and not validate_extant_tables(args.outputDirectory, args.prefix): raise OSError(f"Output dir {args.outputDirectory} exists, you can force this path to be overwritten with the -f/--force flag") elif not args.force and os.path.exists(args.outputDirectory) and validate_extant_tables(args.outputDirectory, args.prefix): raise OSError(f"Output dir {args.outputDirectory} already exists and is validated as complete, set the --opal flag to generate OPAL compatible tables") os.mkdir(args.outputDirectory) FeH = np.linspace(args.feh[0], args.feh[1], int(args.feh[2])) AlphaH = np.linspace(args.alpha[0], args.alpha[1], int(args.alpha[2])) afiles = list() for i, feh in enumerate(FeH): for j, alphah in enumerate(AlphaH): fileName = f"{args.outputDirectory}/{args.prefix}_{int(i*args.alpha[2] + j)}.dat" numFracStatus = call_num_frac(args.numFracProgram, fileName, feh, alphah, 0.20, force=args.force) print("status: ", numFracStatus) if int(numFracStatus) == 0: afiles.append(fileName) template_massFractions, X, Y, Z = parse_abundence_file(f"{args.outputDirectory}/{args.prefix}_0.dat") with open('AGSS09AbundenceMap', 'r') as f: AbundencesToMatch ='\n') AbundencesToMatch = filter(lambda x: x != '', AbundencesToMatch) AbundencesToMatch = [[float(y) for y in x.split(',')] for x in AbundencesToMatch] for i, file in tqdm(enumerate(afiles), total=len(afiles)): massFractions, X, Y, Z = parse_abundence_file(file) mixString = format_TOPS_string(massFractions) mixName = f"X{int(X*1000)} Y{int(Y*1000)} Z{int(Z*1000)}" br = mechanize.Browser() tableHTML = submit_TOPS_form(br, mixString, mixName) table = parse_table(tableHTML) with open(f"{args.outputDirectory}/OP:{i}_{X}_{Y}_{Z}.dat", 'w') as f: f.write(table) br.close() continue if args.opal: if not validate_extant_tables(args.outputDirectory, args.prefix): raise OSError(f"Unable to validate quality of TOPS opacity tables in {args.outputDirectory}, run again without --nofetch flag to refetch tables") TOPSTables = filter(lambda x: re.match("OP:\d+", os.path.basename(x)), os.listdir(args.outputDirectory)) tableSummaries = list() OPALTables = list() formatedTables = list() for i, tablePath in enumerate(map(lambda x: os.path.join(args.outputDirectory, x), TOPSTables)): print(tablePath) summary, X, Y, Z, table = format_TOPS_to_OPAL(tablePath, i+1) tableSummaries.append(summary) OPALTables.append(table) formatedTables.append({"X":X, "Y":Y, "Z":Z, "Summary":summary, "Table":table}) sortedFormatedTables = sorted(formatedTables, key=lambda x: (x['X'], x['Y'], x['Z'])) with open(args.output, 'w') as f: f.write(format_OPAL_table(sortedFormatedTables))