This Jupyter notebook outlines a model to simulate the evolution of a brown dwarf when influenced by a close M-dwarf companion. The model includes importing necessary libraries such as numpy, scipy, and matplotlib for numerical computations and plotting, along with a specific library for astronomical simulations. It details the initialization of constants like solar luminosity, radius, and mass, alongside brown dwarf parameters. It further describes the loading of an MDwarf model, the creation and normalization of various functions for the model, and the establishment of classes for modeling the interaction between a brown dwarf and its M-dwarf companion, specifically focusing on the aspects of flaring events, luminosity calculations, and temperature variations over time due to these stellar interactions. The model attempts to quantify how such interactions, particularly flaring events from the M-dwarf, could affect the temperature evolution of a brown dwarf, including detailed methods for calculating incident luminosity, orbital parameters, and resulting surface parameters and temperatures over significant time scales.
import numpy as np import scipy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pysep.dsep import load_model from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from tqdm.notebook import tqdm from scipy.optimize import curve_fit try: except NameError: pass
SLUM = 3.846e33 # ergs / s SRAD = 6.957e+10 # cm SMASS = 1.989e+33 # g BDLUM = 1/100_000 # L/Lsolar BDTEMP = 1000 # K BDRAD = 1.001e+10 # cm sb = 5.670374419e-5 # cgs kb = 1.3807e-16# cm2 g s-2 K-1 (cgs BDATMMFRAC = 0.00001 #0.000001 G = 6.67430e-8 # cgs
basedMDwarfModel = load_model("model.dsep")
def PosNormal(mean, sigma): x = np.random.normal(loc = mean, scale = sigma, size=1)[0] return(x if x>=0 else PosNormal(mean,sigma))
def normalize(a): if a.max() == a.min(): return a return a - a.min()/(a.max()-a.min())
def interpTRK(targetAge, df): ages = df.AGE closestGreater = ages[ages > targetAge].min() closestLess = ages[ages < targetAge].max() row_closest_less = df[df['AGE'] == closestLess] row_closest_greater = df[df['AGE'] == closestGreater] fraction = (targetAge - closestLess) / (closestGreater - closestLess) interpolated_row = row_closest_less.drop(columns=['AGE']).reset_index(drop=True) + \ fraction * (row_closest_greater.drop(columns=['AGE']).reset_index(drop=True) - row_closest_less.drop(columns=['AGE']).reset_index(drop=True)) return interpolated_row
def generate_flare_events_array(timeArraySize, flareProp): randomNumbers = np.random.rand(timeArraySize) flareEventsArray = randomNumbers < flareProp return flareEventsArray
def build_flare(t12): trise = t12[t12 <= 0] tdecay = t12[t12 > 0] frise = 1 + 1.941*trise - 0.175*trise**2 - 2.246*trise**3 - 1.1225 * trise**4 fdecay = 0.6890 * np.exp(-1.6 * tdecay) + 0.3030*np.exp(-0.2783 * tdecay) return np.hstack([frise, fdecay])
class TriangulatedSphere: _SLUM = 3.846e33 _SRAD = 6.957e+10 def __init__(self, nTheta, nPhi, times, model, modelAge=5, noiseScale=0.1): trk = interpTRK(modelAge, model.trk) self.radius = 10**trk.log_R.values[0] * self._SRAD self.lum = 10**trk.log_L.values[0] * self._SLUM self.nTheta = nTheta self.nPhi = nPhi self.times = times self.fluxMap = np.zeros((times.shape[0], nTheta, nPhi)) self.thetaValues = np.linspace(0, np.pi, nTheta ) self.phiValues = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, nPhi) self.surfaceArea = 4 * np.pi * self.radius**2 self.triangleArea = self.surfaceArea / (nTheta * nPhi) self.meanFlux = (self.lum)/(4*np.pi * (self.radius)**2) self.set_overall_flux(self.meanFlux) self.noiseLevel = noiseScale*self.meanFlux def set_overall_flux(self, flux): """Set the same flux value for the entire surface.""" self.fluxMap[:, :, :] = flux def set_overall_flux_at_time(self, flux, time): tID = self.time_to_index(time) self.fluxMap[tID, :, :] = flux def incriment_overall_flux_at_time(self, df, time): tID = self.time_to_index(time) self.fluxMap[tID, :, :] += df def set_flux_at(self, theta, phi, flux, time): iTheta, iPhi = self.theta_phi_to_index(theta, phi) tID = self.time_to_index(time) self.fluxMap[tID, iTheta, iPhi] = flux def get_flux_at(self, theta, phi, time): iTheta, iPhi = self.theta_phi_to_index(theta, phi) tID = self.time_to_index(time) return self.fluxMap[tID, iTheta, iPhi] def get_luminosity_over_solid_angle(self, thetaCenter, phiCenter, omega, time, solar=False): # Convert time to indices if isinstance(time, float): tIDs = np.array([self.time_to_index(time)]) elif isinstance(time, slice): tIDs = np.array([self.time_to_index(t) for t in self.times[time]]) elif isinstance(time, str) and time == '*': tIDs = np.arange(len(self.times)) lums = np.zeros(len(tIDs)) thetaGrid, phiGrid = np.meshgrid(self.thetaValues, self.phiValues, indexing='ij') distance = self.angular_distance_vectorized(thetaGrid, phiGrid, thetaCenter, phiCenter) withinSolidAngle = distance < np.sqrt(omega / np.pi) for i, tID in enumerate(tIDs): if solar: lums[i] = np.sum(self.fluxMap[tID, withinSolidAngle] * self.triangleArea / self._SLUM) else: lums[i] = np.sum(self.fluxMap[tID, withinSolidAngle] * self.triangleArea) return lums @staticmethod def angular_distance_vectorized(theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2): """Vectorized calculation of angular distance.""" return np.arccos(np.sin(theta1) * np.sin(theta2) + np.cos(theta1) * np.cos(theta2) * np.cos(phi1 - phi2)) def index_to_theta_phi(self, iTheta, iPhi): """Convert grid indices to theta and phi values.""" return self.thetaValues[iTheta], self.phiValues[iPhi] def theta_phi_to_index(self, theta, phi): iTheta = np.argmin(np.abs(self.thetaValues - theta)) iPhi = np.argmin(np.abs(self.phiValues - phi)) return iTheta, iPhi def index_to_time(self, tID): return self.times[tID] def time_to_index(self, time): return np.argmin(np.abs(self.times - time)) def evolve(self, flareProb, flareMeanDuration, flareMeanAmplitude, flareMeanLat, flareDurationScale, flareAmplitudeScale, flareLatScale): flareDecisions = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=len(self.times)) < flareProb flareDurations = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=flareMeanDuration, scale=flareDurationScale, size=flareDecisions.sum())) flareAmplitudes = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=flareMeanAmplitude, scale=flareAmplitudeScale, size=flareDecisions.sum())) flarePhis = np.radians(np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=flareDecisions.sum())) * np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=flareMeanLat, scale=flareLatScale, size=flareDecisions.sum())) flareThetas = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi, size=flareDecisions.sum()) noise = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=self.noiseLevel, size=len(self.times)) fID = 0 for tid, (time, doFlare, s) in tqdm(enumerate(zip(self.times, flareDecisions, noise)), total=len(self.times), desc="Evolving"): if doFlare: timeCond = (self.times >= time) & (self.times <= time + flareDurations[fID]) flareTime = np.linspace(-1, 7, timeCond[timeCond==True].shape[0]) flareData = build_flare(flareTime) timeCond = (self.times >= time) & (self.times <= time + flareDurations[fID]) flare = self.meanFlux + (self.meanFlux * flareAmplitudes[fID] * normalize(flareData)) for flareTimeId, (flareFlux, dft) in enumerate(zip(flare, self.times[timeCond])): self.set_flux_at(flareThetas[fID], flarePhis[fID], flareFlux, time + dft) fID += 1 self.incriment_overall_flux_at_time(s, time)
estimateParticlesBBN = lambda mass: mass * (0.75 / 1.67e-27 + 0.25 / 6.64e-27 + 1e-9 / 1.15e-26)
def incident_luminosity(luminosityA, aR, bR, d): crossSectionalAreaB = np.pi * bR**2 surfaceAreaD = 4 * np.pi * d**2 fractionIncident = crossSectionalAreaB / surfaceAreaD incidentLuminosityB = luminosityA * fractionIncident return incidentLuminosityB
def orbital_params(m1, m2, p): Msolar = 1.989e+33 # g mt = m1 + m2 mt = Msolar * mt G = 6.67430e-8 # cgs a = ((p**2 * G * mt)/(4*np.pi**2))**(1/3) # cm return a
$$ L = 4\pi R^{2}\sigma T^{4} $$ $$ U = \frac{3}{2} N k_{B} T $$
def calculate_new_surface_params(iL, temp, mass, dt): N = estimateParticlesBBN(mass*BDATMMFRAC) # assume all energy is distributed through the atmosphere Q = iL * dt dT = Q / ((3/2) * N * kb) return temp + dT
def cool_blackbody(radius, initialTemperature, mass, delta_time, internal_energy): N = estimateParticlesBBN(mass*BDATMMFRAC) # assume all energy is distributed through the atmosphere Ui = 3/2 * N * kb * initialTemperature initial_luminosity = 4 * np.pi * radius**2 * sb * (initialTemperature)**4 energy_lost = initial_luminosity * delta_time Uf = (Ui - energy_lost) + internal_energy finalTemperature = (2/3 * Uf)/(N*kb) return finalTemperature
All units are kept in cgs (roughly, using pi 10 ^ 7 for sec - > year conversion)
# Define how many time steps are used. The cadence right now has a probelmatically large effect on the outcome. This needs # to be smoothed out. period = 6 * 3600 orbits = 50 tmax = period * orbits cadence = 30 times = np.arange(0, tmax, cadence)
One major issue right now is that the flaring model predicts flares based on the cadence of the data (i.e. a 5% flare rate means that every time step there is a 5 percent change of a flare event. This means that if you increase the observational frequency the number of flares will go up. This needs to be chaged to a flare rate / time)
sphere = TriangulatedSphere(model=basedMDwarfModel, times=times, nTheta=5, nPhi=5, noiseScale=0.001) sphere.evolve(0.05, 1000*60, 0.25, 30, 5*60, 1, 10) #sphere.evolve(0.05, 100*60, 0.01, 30, 5*60, 0.1, 10) #flareProb, flareMeanDuration, flareMeanAmplitude, flareMeanLat, flareDurationScale, flareAmplitudeScale, flareLatScale): # Assuming that the components are tidally locked we only need to subtend one hemisphere to get the incident luminosity at any given time hemiLuminosity = sphere.get_luminosity_over_solid_angle(0, 0, omega=2*np.pi, time='*')
Evolving: 0%| | 0/36000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10, 7)) ax.plot(times, hemiLuminosity) ax.set_xlabel("Time [s]") ax.set_ylabel("Luminsoity [erg s$^{-1}$]")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Luminsoity [erg s$^{-1}$]')
# The conversion from solar mass to g is done in the orbital params function since dsep tracks # everyging in either solar units or log solar uints a = orbital_params(basedMDwarfModel.mass, 0.075, period) dt = (times[1] - times[0]) * 60 BrownDwarfTemps = list() bdtemp = BDTEMP bdmass = 0.075 * SMASS # Here is a handwavey thing. I am basically assuming that all the energy # dumped onto the star stays in the atmosphere (and that the atmosphre is # and idea monatomic gas (f=3)) N = estimateParticlesBBN(bdmass*BDATMMFRAC) # this is used to figure out how much energy the star radiates away so # that some interneral energy fudge factor can be added to keep the # atmosphere from rapidly cooling to 0 initialCooling = bdtemp - cool_blackbody(BDRAD, bdtemp, bdmass, dt, 0) # Due to the high temporal resolutions required to resolve flares and the long # baseline needed to heat the star I run this section to just fine the mean # temperature change per orbit. porbitID = 0 temps = list() pOrbitTemp = bdtemp for tid, (t, l) in enumerate(zip(times, hemiLuminosity)): orbitID = t // period if orbitID != porbitID: temps.append(bdtemp - pOrbitTemp) pOrbitTemp = bdtemp porbitID = orbitID incidentUponBD = incident_luminosity(l, sphere.radius, 1.001e+10, a) bdtemp = calculate_new_surface_params(incidentUponBD, bdtemp, bdmass, dt) BrownDwarfTemps.append(bdtemp)
line = lambda x, m, b: m*x + b fit, ax = curve_fit(line, range(len(temps)), temps) plt.plot(temps) plt.plot(range(len(temps)), line(range(len(temps)), *fit))
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f75cf909370>]
Now we will assume that this mean temperature change per orbit (on the hot side) holdes true for ever and evolve this over many many more orbits. We make the assumption that the hot side temperature is independent of the cold side temperature so we first calculate just the hot side temperature|. This allows us to more easily use a lookback time for the cold side temperature latter
meanTempChangePerOrbit = np.mean(temps) morbits = 1e9 orbitJump = 5e2 orbits = np.arange(0, morbits, orbitJump) hotSideTemp = np.zeros_like(orbits) coldSideTemp = np.zeros_like(orbits) hottemp = BDTEMP coldtemp = BDTEMP period = 6*3600 #seconds longTimes = np.linspace(0, morbits*period, orbits.shape[0]) bdmass = 0.075 * SMASS intrinsicCoolingCoef = 0.9 initialCooling = hottemp - cool_blackbody(BDRAD, hottemp, bdmass, period*orbitJump, 0) internalEnergy = (3/2) * N * kb * initialCooling * intrinsicCoolingCoef for oID, orbit in tqdm(enumerate(orbits), total=orbits.shape[0]): hottemp += (orbitID + 1) * meanTempChangePerOrbit hottemp = cool_blackbody(BDRAD, hottemp, bdmass, orbitJump * period, internalEnergy) hotSideTemp[oID] = hottemp
0%| | 0/2000000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10, 7)) ax.plot(longTimes/(np.pi*1e7 * 1e6), hotSideTemp) ax.set_xlabel("Time [Myr]", fontsize=27) ax.set_ylabel("Hot Side Teff [K]", fontsize=27)
Text(0, 0.5, 'Hot Side Teff [K]')
# we then build an interpolator so that we can look back on the hot side temp from before hst = interp1d(longTimes, hotSideTemp)
tauCO = 70*24*3600 # s (wright et al. 2018 -- calibrated for mid M dwarfs, likeley not correct for Brown Dwarfs) offset = 300 # to allow for thermal transfer time # need to connect this to the convective overturn timescale or better yet dont be stupid about it coldSideTemp = np.zeros_like(orbits) + BDTEMP for oID, orbit in tqdm(enumerate(orbits[offset:]), total=orbits[offset:].shape[0]): delayedHotSideTemp = hst(oID*period) coldSideTemp[oID + offset] = delayedHotSideTemp coldSideTemp[oID + offset] = cool_blackbody(BDRAD, coldSideTemp[oID + offset], bdmass, orbitJump * period, internalEnergy)
0%| | 0/1999700 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10, 7)) ax.plot(longTimes/(np.pi*1e7*1e6), hotSideTemp, label="Hot Side") ax.plot(longTimes/(np.pi*1e7*1e6), coldSideTemp, label="Cold Side") ax.set_xlabel("Time [Myr]", fontsize=27) ax.set_ylabel("Teff [K]", fontsize=27) ax.legend()
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f75cfd272b0>