ASCII Art Generator Script

This script reads numerical ASCII values from a text file, converts them into characters, and applies formatting to visualize them as colored ASCII art. It supports custom line breaks and highlights specific ASCII characters with unique background colors.

# coding: utf-8
import numpy as np
def get_ascii_map(path, rb=14):
    fgGreen = '\u001b[32m'
    reset = '\u001b[0m'
    bgMagenta = '\u001b[45m'
    bgRed = '\u001b[41m'
    with open(path) as f:
        contents = [int(x) for x in]
    codes = np.array(contents)
    breaks = np.argwhere(codes==10)
    breaks = np.insert(breaks, 0, 0)
    rows = [codes[le:re+1] for le, re in zip(breaks[:-1], breaks[1:])]
    outStr = ''
    for row in rows:
        newLine = True
        lines = 0
        for idx, code in enumerate(row):
            bg = ''
            if newLine:
                for i in range(rb+1):
                    outStr += f"{bgMagenta}{lines*(rb+1) + i+1:<7}{reset}"
                    if i % rb == 0 and i != 0:
                        outStr += '\n'
                        newLine = False
            if code == 10:
                outCode = '\\n'
                outStr += f"{code}: {bg}{fgGreen}{outCode:>2}{reset} "
                outStr += "\n\n\n"
                if code == 32:
                    outCode = "\\s"
                    bg = bgRed
                    outCode = chr(code)
                outStr += f"{code}: {bg}{fgGreen}{outCode:>2}{reset} "
            if idx % rb == 0 and idx != 0:
                newLine = True
                outStr += '\n'
                lines += 1
    return outStr
asciiMap = get_ascii_map('recordDump.txt')
with open('oneRecordAsciiDump.txt', 'w') as f: