Astrophysical Isochrone Handling Script

This Python script is designed for importing and processing astrophysical isochrone data, which represents different stages of stellar evolution in a star cluster. It combines functionalities from various modules ('fidanka.isochrone.MIST', 'ThomasAstro.iso.isoGenerator', and '') for reading both isochrone and track files. Primarily, it allows for parsing such data files (as specified by the user through the command line) for further astrophysical analysis or visualization. This script also integrates command-line interface capabilities for enhanced usability, allowing users to specify the path to the isochrone file they wish to process.

from fidanka.isochrone.MIST import read_iso, read_iso_metadata
from ThomasAstro.iso.isoGenerator import iso
from import read_trk
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("iso_file", help="Path to isochrone file")