Automated Stellar Evolution Model Calibration Script

This script automatically calibrates stellar evolution models to the Sun using the Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Program (DSEP). It includes functionality for setting up the environment, running simulations with different initial conditions, and analyzing the results to find the best-fit model. It leverages libraries such as numpy, pandas, and scipy for numerical operations, and f90nml for Fortran namelist file manipulation.

import os
import numpy as np
import argparse
import f90nml
import shutil
import pandas as pd
import re
from scipy import optimize as op
def config_env(args):
    saveDir = f"output_{args.namelist.split('.')[0]}_test"
    local = "/home/tboudreaux/d/Astronomy/GraduateSchool/SecondYearProject/DSEP/dsep_Thomas"
    nml =   f"{local}/run/SolarCalibration/{saveDir}"
    out =   f"{local}/run/SolarCalibration/{saveDir}/output"
    prog =  f"{local}/dsepX"
    zams =  f"{local}/zams"
    prems = f"{local}/prems"
    opac =  f"{local}/opac"
    atm =   f"{local}/surfBC"
    opal =  f"{opac}/OPAL"
    phx =   f"{opac}/phoenix"
    bcphx = f"{atm}/phoenix/GS98"
    bckur = f"{atm}/atmk"
    fort = {
                13: f"{local}/run/phys1.low.nml",
                14: f"{nml}/",
                15: f"{opac}/FERMI.TAB",
                38: f"{bckur}/",
                48: f"{opal}/GS98hz",
                95: f"{bcphx}/z_p0d0.afe_p0d0.dat",
                96: f"{bcphx}/z_m0d5.afe_p0d0.dat",
                97: f"{bcphx}/z_m0d7.afe_p0d0.dat",
                98: f"{bcphx}/z_m1d0.afe_p0d0.dat",
                99: f"{bcphx}/z_m1d5.afe_p0d0.dat",
                12: f"{prems}/m100.GS98",
                19: f"{out}/",
                20: f"{out}/",
                37: f"{out}/",
                11: f"{out}/",
                24: f"{out}/",
                25: f"{out}/",
                26: f"{out}/"
    return saveDir, fort, prog
def load_iso(path):
    header = ["Age", "Log_T", "Log_g", "Log_L", "Log_R", "Y_core", "Z_core", "(Z/X)_surf", "L_H", "L_He", "M_He_core", "M_CO_core"]
    iso = pd.read_csv(path, delim_whitespace=True, names=header, comment='#')
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        metadata_str = f.readline()
    Namematch = [x.strip('=') for x in re.findall("[^0-9=.\s]+=", metadata_str)]
    Valuematch = re.findall("-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?", metadata_str)
    metadata = dict()
    for i, (name, value) in enumerate(zip(Namematch, Valuematch)):
        if name != 'COMP':
            metadata[name] = float(value)
    return iso, metadata
def get_calibration_result(iso, age):
    return iso.iloc[(iso['Age']-age).abs().idxmin()]
def write_namelist(nml, path):
def clear_fort_files(path):
    for file in os.listdir(path):
        if os.path.islink(file):
            if file.startswith('fort'):
                print(f'deleting: {file}')
def symlink_file(src, dst):
    if not os.path.exists(src):
        with open(src, 'w') as f:
    os.symlink(src, dst)
def config_fort_files(fort, run):
        runFort = fort.copy()
        runFort[14] += run
        runFort[19] += run.replace('.nml', '.track')
        runFort[20] += run.replace('.nml', '.short')
        runFort[37] += run.replace('.nml', '.iso')
        runFort[11] += run.replace('.nml', '.last')
        runFort[24] += run.replace('.nml', '.pmod')
        runFort[25] += run.replace('.nml', '.penv')
        runFort[26] += run.replace('.nml', '.patm')
        for fortKey in fort:
            print(f'linking {runFort[fortKey]} -> fort.{fortKey}')
            symlink_file(runFort[fortKey], f'fort.{fortKey}')
def run_dsep(ic, fort, nml, saveDir, prog):
    print(f"Running DSEP with: {ic}")
    nml['control']['rsclx'] = ic[0]
    nml['control']['rsclz'] = ic[1]
    nml['control']['cmixla'] = [ic[2], ic[2]]
    nml['control']['endage'] = 4.57e9
    filename = f"{ic[0]}-{ic[1]}-{ic[2]}.nml"
    if os.path.exists(f"{saveDir}/{filename}"):
    write_namelist(nml, f"{saveDir}/{filename}")
    runFort = config_fort_files(fort, filename)
    iso, meta = load_iso('fort.37')
    cal_results = get_calibration_result(iso, 4.57e9)
    R = abs(cal_results['Log_R'])
    L = abs(cal_results['Log_L'])
    ZX = abs(cal_results['(Z/X)_surf'] - 0.0229)
    res = np.array([R, L, ZX])
    print(f"Completed Run With: \n\tR:{res[0]}\n\tL:{res[1]}\n\tZX:{res[2]}")
    return res
if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Automatically Calibrate Stellar Evolution Models to the Sun")
    parser.add_argument('namelist', type=str, help="namelist file to base calibraton off of")
    parser.add_argument("-X", type=float, help="Input X for RESCLX")
    parser.add_argument("-Z", type=float, help="Input Z for RESCLZ")
    parser.add_argument("-A", type=float, help="Input alpha for CMIXLA")
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, help="Directory to save DSEP result too", default="output")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    saveDir, fort, prog = config_env(args)
    nml =
    if os.path.exists(saveDir):
    res = run_dsep([args.X, args.Z, args.A], fort, nml, saveDir, prog)
    with open(os.path.join(saveDir, "calibResults.csv"), "w") as f:
    # X = np.linspace(0.7816, 0.72, 400)
    # Z = np.linspace(0.017, 0.018, 400)
    # A = np.linspace(1.8, 1.9, 400)
    # z = Z[0]
    # a = A[0]
    # with open("SolarCalibrate-X-Results.csv", 'w') as f:
    #     for x in X:
    #        res = run_dsep([x, z, a], fort, nml, saveDir, prog)
    #        f.write(f"{x},{z},{a},{res[0]},{res[1]},{res[2]}\n")
    # x = X[0]
    # a = A[0]
    # with open("SolarCalibrate-Z-Results.csv", 'w') as f:
    #     for z in Z:
    #        res = run_dsep([x, z, a], fort, nml, saveDir, prog)
    #        f.write(f"{x},{z},{a},{res[0]},{res[1]},{res[2]}\n")
    # x = X[0]
    # z = Z[0]
    # with open("SolarCalibrate-A-Results.csv", 'w') as f:
    #     for a in A:
    #        res = run_dsep([x, z, a], fort, nml, saveDir, prog)
    #        f.write(f"{x},{z},{a},{res[0]},{res[1]},{res[2]}\n")