Analyzing C3D Files with Python


This notebook illustrates the process of opening and analyzing motion capture data stored in C3D file format using the Python c3d library. It demonstrates how to read frames from a C3D file and print the point coordinates for each frame, offering a hands-on example for researchers or developers working with biomechanical motion data.

import c3d
with open('Theodora_Afraid-C3D.c3d', 'rb') as handle:
    reader = c3d.Reader(handle)
    for i, (points, analog) in enumerate(reader.read_frames()):
        print('Frame {}: {}'.format(i, points.round(2)))
//anaconda/envs/general/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ UserWarning: missing parameter ANALOG:LABELS
  warnings.warn('missing parameter {}'.format(name))
//anaconda/envs/general/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ UserWarning: missing parameter ANALOG:DESCRIPTIONS
  warnings.warn('missing parameter {}'.format(name))


ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-2-544754b532f4> in <module>()
      1 with open('Theodora_Afraid-C3D.c3d', 'rb') as handle:
      2     reader = c3d.Reader(handle)
----> 3     for i, (points, analog) in enumerate(reader.read_frames()):
      4         print('Frame {}: {}'.format(i, points.round(2)))

ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
