Example of Stellar Model Evolution Using PySEP

This Python script demonstrates the usage of the PySEP library for generating and evolving a low mass stellar model. It involves importing necessary modules for starting the model, setting up control and physics defaults, and specifying parameters for a low mass star model. The script then evolves the model, controlling output and the number of models in the evolution sequence, and finally stashes the results without data output. This serves as an example for astrophysics researchers or students interested in computational stellar astrophysics.

from pysep.api.starting import get_basic_stellar_model
from pysep.io.nml.control.defaults import controlLow
from pysep.io.nml.physics.defaults import phys1Low
from pysep.prems.defaults import m040_GS98
model = get_basic_stellar_model("./LowMass", )
model.control.add_key('lbnout', True)
model.control.add_key('nbn', 1)
model.control[1]['nmodls'] = 3000