Example of Stellar Model Opacity Configuration in PySEP

This Python script showcases a process to configure and run parallel stellar models leveraging opacity files in the PySEP library. It includes preparing the environment by organizing opacity files from different sources ('Ferg' and 'Aeso'), establishing model configurations, and finally executing these models in parallel. The script also highlights the use of conditional directory creation for outputs and updating model parameters with specific opacity file paths.

from pysep.api.starting import get_basic_stellar_model
from pysep.dm.filetypes import opacf_file
from pysep.api.parallel import pStellarModel
import os
FergLowTempRoot = "./inputs/opac/low/ferg04"
AesoLowTempRoot1 = "./inputs/opac/low/aesopusExtend"
AesoLowTempRoot2 = "./inputs/opac/low/aesopus"
FergFiles = filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".tron"), os.listdir(FergLowTempRoot))
AesoFiles1 = filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".tron"), os.listdir(AesoLowTempRoot1))
AesoFiles2 = filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".tron"), os.listdir(AesoLowTempRoot2))
FergPaths = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(FergLowTempRoot, x)) for x in FergFiles]
AesoPaths1 = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(AesoLowTempRoot1, x)) for x in AesoFiles1]
AesoPaths2 = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(AesoLowTempRoot2, x)) for x in AesoFiles2]
if not os.path.exists("./fergOutput"):
if not os.path.exists("./aesopusExtendOutput"):
if not os.path.exists("./aesopusOutput"):
FergModel = get_basic_stellar_model("./fergOutput")
AesoModel1 = get_basic_stellar_model("./aesopusExtendOutput")
AesoModel2 = get_basic_stellar_model("./aesopusOutput")
pModels = pStellarModel([FergModel, AesoModel1, AesoModel2], name="NewLowTempOpacTest")