Reading MIST Isochrone Files

Provides functions to read and parse MIST formatted isochrone files, extracting either detailed data tables as pandas DataFrames organized by age or essential metadata, including version details and initial conditions.

import re
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
from itertools import islice
from typing import Any
def read_iso(filename: str) -> dict[float, pd.DataFrame]:
    Read in a MIST formated isochrone to a list of DataFrame
        filename : str
            filepath pointing to the isochrone file
        isos : dict[float, pd.DataFrame]
            Dictionary of isochrones loaded and indexed by their ages in
    with open(filename) as f:
        contents =
    lines = contents.split("\n")
    tabSep = r"((?:# number of EEPs, cols =\s+)(\d+)(?:\s+)(\d+))"
    tables = map(lambda x: (x[0],, x[1])), enumerate(lines))
    fTables = list(filter(lambda x: x[1], tables))
    sepTables = map(lambda x: lines[x[0][0] : x[1][0]], zip(fTables[:-1], fTables[1:]))
    isos = dict()
    for table in sepTables:
        header = re.findall(r"[^\s\\#]+", table[2])
        okayTab = filter(lambda x: x != "" and x.lstrip()[0] != "#", table)
        strTab = "\n".join(okayTab)
        df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(strTab), sep=r"\s+", names=header)
        if df.shape[0] > 0 and isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
            age = 10 ** df["log10_isochrone_age_yr"].iloc[0]
            df["age"] = 10 ** df["log10_isochrone_age_yr"]
            isos[age] = df
    return isos
def read_iso_metadata(filename: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
    Efficiently read in isochrone metadata without opening entire file
        filename : str
            filepath pointing to the isochrone file.
        metadata : dict[str, Any]
            Dictionary of metadata relating to isochrone pulled from the
            first 7 rows of the isochrone file.
    with open(filename) as f:
        rawHeader = list(islice(f, 9))
    photometry = (
        if any(["photometric system" in headerLine for headerLine in rawHeader])
        else False
    MESAVersion = rawHeader[0].split("=")[1].rstrip().lstrip()
    MESARevision = rawHeader[1].split("=")[1].rstrip().lstrip()
    if photometry:
        photometricSystem = rawHeader[2].split("=")[1].rstrip().lstrip()
        numRowID = 5
        photometricSystem = None
        numRowID = 4
    numRow = [float(x) for x in rawHeader[numRowID][1:].rstrip().lstrip().split()]
    metadata = {
        "MESAVersion": MESAVersion,
        "MESARevision": MESARevision,
        "Yinit": numRow[0],
        "Zinit": numRow[1],
        "[Fe/H]": numRow[2],
        "[a/Fe]": numRow[3],
        "v/vcrit": numRow[4],
        "photometricSystem": photometricSystem,
    return metadata